With Laura Maria and Martin Pigni
Period: October 16th to 25th, 2015
Arrival of participants on the 16th at 16h, and departure on the 25th after breakfast (possibility of extending your stay, see our availability)
The Aura Reading is a powerful, profound experience that can open new levels of understanding and transformation into one’s consciousness. It is a guide that gives us access into a whole world of memories, emotions, thoughts, past lives and contracts that are present in our energy field that is called AURA. We can enter this world and allow the light and understanding to work inside and bring deep transformation.
The Aura Reading is a healing tool that we can use for helping ourselves or for helping others. In order to use this tool, we do not need to have psychic powers, we just need to learn how to do it.
“A retreat of meditations, ceremonies, mantras, music and dance in the middle of the nature. An immersion into our chakra system, an energetic, emotional, physical and mental cleansing. All to build the experience of reading the aura.”
Languages: Portuguese & English
More information about the course: lauraauracampean@gmail.com
Laura Maria Campean é romena e trabalha com Leitura de Aura, Cura da Criança Interior e o Despertar do Sagrado Feminino, há cinco anos. Totalmente a serviço da Consciência Crística, ela acolhe o trabalho de cura com graça, amor e profunda compaixão.
Susana Rito (ver website) é instrutora de Alquimia Interna Taoísta, certificada pelo Universal Healing Tao do Mestre Mantak Chia, na Tailândia, e trabalha com Leitura de Aura. Neste retiro, vai oferecer aulas de Chi Kung pela manhã.
R$1520 per person
R$1360 per person (discount for payment until September 15)
-This prices are for double or triple room. Contact us in case you wish to be in a single room;
-Payment can be divided into 2x. For that, please deposit half amount in our bank account and bring the rest;
-To confirm your subscription, please send us the receipt of the deposit or of the full amount (discount until September 15);
-This price includes the activities proposed, the accommodation and all meals;
-It is not included in the price the transport to Pedra do Sabiá and the individual therapies requested by the guest;
-Schedule and rate subject to change.
Pictures of the past courses:
See optional Therapies and Workshops
How to arrive (possibility of arrival through the Rio de Contas river by boat or canoe)
Infos and reservations click here