Natural Self-Healing Retreat

Natural Self-Healing Retreat



July 10-14 2013

To keep a healthy and conscious diet is a fundamental step to get to personal balance and to fill our lives with positive and productive energy.

And in nature we can find a real green and live pharmacy: an abundant variety of superfoods and great medicinal herbs that will help us in our pursuit for harmony and health plus to contribute also to our journey into spiritual development.

Come to celebrate this old wisdom and get in contact with yourself and Mother Earth in a Natural Self-Healing Retreat, an I D E A L experience (Immunostimulant, Detoxifying, Energizing, Antioxidative, Loving) with Healthy Eating, Medicinal Plants and Healing Rituals.

Full Cleansing of Self / Immunostimulant Protection / Energy and Conscience with:


This experience will teach you how to consciously eat, identify and harvest the most important plants that will help to boost your health and claim your equilibrium back.  You will also learn how to prepare your own natural remedies and reconnect the spirit with the live essence of nature.

The retreat was intended for the participants to get the most out of the informations, both from the holistic sense and the “learning how to ”, that subtly record the experience in each and every cell of our body: attentive listening, exchanging of ideas, collective food preparations, tasting of medicinal plants, preparation of natural remedies, meditation, re-balancing work out and celebration of a more natural life.

The Teacher

– Dr. Esteban Andrejuk /  Natural Medicine and Evolutionary Nutrition from Venezuela, studied at USAL Faculty of Medicine (Universidad del Salvador), Buenos Aires, Argentina;

  • Practices Fitomedicine, Etno-botany, Nutrition, Natural Hygiene and Integral Medicine.
  • He is also an ecologist, permaculturist and naturist;
  • Co-founder and responsible of “Planta Saude”, a socioecologic project that aims to improve the common health in a conscious and active way by promoting the exchange of traditional knowledge;
  • Co-founder and admin  of “A Terra Cura”, an educative platform that promotes informations about health, nature and permaculture;
  • Co-founder and responsible of “Shangri-la – Autocura pela Natureza”, a space specifically designed to help participants get their health back through full self- cleansing programs with elements of Nature;
  • Co-founder and Secretary of “PACHAMAMA Rede de Cura”, that reunites people who work with natural practices;
  • Currently leading Healthy Eating and Medicinal Plants courses in Brazil and Argentina, he is about to publish the book “Reaprender a Comer – Guia para uma Alimentação Consciente, Saudável e Sustentável”.

For further info, write to:

The Place

Pedra do Sabiá is a place to welcome and rest one’s soul.

It offers therapeutic, educational, meditative, physical and artistic techniques that help our body, mind and spirit to access our most essential and sacred side, re-connecting us with the Self.

Located in the heart of the Atlantic Forest, on the banks of Rio de Contas river, 15 km from Itacaré – south of Bahia,  it is an organic agroforestry cocoa farm and also a Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (PRNH), with an exceptional biodiversity.

To know more, please visit:

The Investment:

A percentage of your investment will be donated to fully cover the cost of 3 scholarships that will be offered to local native people – potencial promoters of common health.


A TERRA CURA | Healthy eating and Medicinal Plants
DORG Desenho Orgânico | Permaculture

PEDRA DO SABIÁ | Center of Reconnection with the Self

ROSA DOS VENTOS | Association

PACHAMAMA | Healing Circle

Further informations about the Retreat and registrations:

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